Frequently Asked Questions
Anytime you need a response to a question or concern but want to stay anonymous, we will post it here!
What kinds of resources can I find on this website?
This website contains financial aid and contact information for undocumented students interested in pursuing higher education as well as resources pertaining mental health and legal support for those in the undocumented community.
Does this site require any of my personal or financial information?
No, this website is completely free to use and does not require any form of signing in, therefore no personal information is being collected.
If I want to send feedback through the Contact Us page, do I need to provide any identifying information?
No, we understand and respect any of our users requests for privacy and anonymity, which is why we have made it so that if you are not comfortable with providing us with an email address or other way to contact you we will anonymously post your question and its response on this page.
Do I have to fill out the survey on the Contact Us page before I can send my feedback?
No, the survey is completely optional and just helps us get a better sense of what users are getting out of our website. While we appreciate your responses to the survey, completing it is not necessary to sending us feedback via the Contact form.
What if I know about a scholarship or event that I don’t see listed on the site?
Please feel free to send us the details about this scholarship or event via the Contact Us page and we will incorporate it on the website.
I am part of an organization that supports the undocumented community, how can I get my organization featured on the site?
Please fill out the form found at the bottom of the Organizations page and we will get back to you.